
RHO01 Entdecken Sie mehr in Rhodos Nordroute


  • Genießen Sie den besten Panoramablick auf Rhodos
  • Begeben Sie sich auf eine halbprivate Safari-Tour für bis zu 6 Personen pro Fahrzeug
  • Erkunden Sie traditionelle Dörfer und nicht touristische Orte
  • Mittagessen mit traditionellen lokalen Platten


Source: Uncharted Escapes


Grubenstopp bei den Mineralfossilien: Über eine Off-Road-Route fahren wir zu den faszinierenden Mineralfossilien, wo wir einen Besuch abstatten und einen Fotostopp einlegen. Über schroffe Pfade bietet dieses Abenteuer die einmalige Gelegenheit, diese faszinierenden Wunder aus nächster Nähe zu erleben, und lädt zum Erkunden und Fotografieren inmitten der atemberaubenden Formationen ein.

Kloster des Heiligen Nektarios: Wir setzen unsere Expedition fort und fahren zum Kloster des Heiligen Nektarios, wo wir über Off-Road-Pfade zu dieser geschichtsträchtigen Stätte gelangen. Der Besuch bietet die Möglichkeit, seine Bedeutung und ruhige Aura in sich aufzunehmen und in sein tiefes Erbe einzutauchen.

Eleousa: Auf den Spuren von Schönheit und Kultur: Wenn Sie sich abseits der Straße nach Eleousa, dem ehemaligen Campochiaro, wagen, entdecken Sie ein kulturell reiches Dorf, das die Spuren seiner italienischen Vergangenheit trägt. Auf landschaftlich reizvollen Pfaden bietet diese Pause einen Einblick in die eindringliche Schönheit des Ortes mit seinen verlassenen Häusern und dem Echo seiner Geschichte.

Enthüllung des Klosters Fountoukli: Eine weitere Erkundungstour offenbart die reiche Geschichte in den Mauern des Klosters Fountoukli Saint Nicholas. Wenn Sie diese heilige Stätte betreten, entfalten sich Schichten ihrer historischen Bedeutung und zeigen einen Teppich aus Hingabe und kulturellem Erbe.

Die Schönheit des Eftaporti-Gipfels einfangen: Die Fahrt zum Eftaporti-Gipfel bietet aufregende Wege, die zu einem unvergesslichen Besuch und Fotostopp führen. Der Aufstieg über Off-Road-Routen steigert die Vorfreude auf ein Panorama, das sich jeder Beschreibung entzieht. Dieser Moment des Innehaltens fängt die Erhabenheit der Aussicht ein und hinterlässt eine unauslöschliche Erinnerung an die atemberaubende Schönheit des Gipfels.

Fahrt zum Dorf Platania, Mittagessen und Rückkehr: Die Fahrt zum Dorf Platania führt über landschaftlich reizvolle Straßen zu einem ruhigen Mittagsstopp mit Zeit zur freien Verfügung, um die authentischen lokalen Aromen und den rustikalen Charme zu genießen. Nach dem Genuss führt die Rückfahrt auf einer bequemen Asphaltstraße zurück zu den Abholpunkten. Der Abschluss dieser Reise spiegelt die Ruhe des Tages wider und bietet eine sanfte Rückkehr von dem bereichernden gastronomischen Intermezzo, um einen nahtlosen Übergang zurück zu Ihrem Ausgangspunkt zu gewährleisten.

Unsere erfahrenen Fahrer und ausgezeichneten Geländewagen bei Uncharted Escapes sorgen für einen aufregenden Tag auf Rhodos. Genießen Sie die besten Panoramablicke auf Nord-, Ost- und Westrhodos mit unserem professionellen, entspannten Service.

Source: Uncharted Escapes


RHO01 Erkunden Sie die Nordroute von Rhodos, Reiseverlauf

  • 08:00 - 09:15: Abholung (1 h 15 min)
  • 09:15 - 09:55: Fahrt zu den Mineral Fossils (off road) (40 Minuten)
  • 09:55 - 10:10: Mineral Fossils Photo Stop (15 Minuten)
  • 10:10 - 10:50: Fahrt zum Kloster des Heiligen Nektarios (abseits der Straße) (40 Minuten)
  • 10:50 - 11:10: Kaffeestopp im Kloster (optional Kaffee) (20 Minuten)
  • 11:10 - 11:40: Fahrt nach Eleousa (Campochiaro) / (abseits der Straße) (30 Minuten)
  • 11:40 - 11:55: Campochiaro Fotostopp (15 Minuten)
  • 11:55 - 12:05: Fahrt zum Kloster Fountoukli Saint Nicholas (10 Minuten)
  • 12:05 - 12:25: Besuch des Klosters Fountoukli (20 Minuten)
  • 12:25 - 12:55: Fahrt zum Eftaporti-Gipfel (abseits der Straße) (30 Minuten)
  • 12:55 - 13:15: Gipfel-Fotostopp (20 Minuten)
  • 13:15 - 13:45: Fahrt zum Dorf Platania (30 Minuten)
  • 13:45 - 15:15: Mittagspause / Freizeit (1 Std. 30 Min.)
  • 15:15 - 16:00: Rückfahrt zu den Abholstellen (45 Min.)

*Zeitpläne können je nach Gruppengröße und Wetterbedingungen variieren

Source: Uncharted Escapes

What's Included


  • Kostenlose Abholung vom Hotel
  • Premium 7-Sitzer Geländewagen, gefahren von mehrsprachigen Eskort-Fahrer
  • Mittagessen mit traditionellen griechischen Platten
  • Haftpflichtversicherung und örtliche Steuern

Nicht inbegriffen

  • Kaffee oder Bier oder Erfrischungen in der Taverne
  • Gratuitäten
Source: Uncharted Escapes

Additional Information

Vergessen Sie nicht

Wichtige Dinge für Ihre Reise: Denken Sie daran, bequeme Schuhe einzupacken, z.B. Trekkingschuhe oder Sandalen, eine Kamera, um unvergessliche Momente festzuhalten, und Sonnenschutz. Im Frühling und Herbst sollten Sie eine Jacke mitnehmen, damit Sie es bequem haben.

Wichtige Hinweise: Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Reise nicht für Personen mit Autokrankheit, Mobilitäts- oder Bewegungsproblemen, Rückenproblemen, schwangeren Frauen oder Kindern unter 7 Jahren empfohlen wird, da wir keine Kindersitze zur Verfügung stellen. Außerdem könnte die Reise für Personen, die größer als 195 cm oder schwerer als 130 kg sind, eine Herausforderung darstellen. Alkoholkonsum ist für Minderjährige unter 18 Jahren strengstens untersagt.

Flexibilität im Programm: Uncharted Escapes legt größten Wert auf Ihre Sicherheit und Ihren Komfort. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, bei Bedarf geringfügige Änderungen am Programm vorzunehmen, insbesondere bei ungünstigen Wetterbedingungen. Solche Änderungen können ohne vorherige Ankündigung erfolgen, um unseren Gästen das bestmögliche Erlebnis zu bieten.

Reservierungsrichtlinien: Um Ihren Platz zu sichern, müssen Reservierungen mindestens 24 Stunden vor der Abfahrt erfolgen. Für Stornierungen gelten unsere Stornierungsrichtlinien, die Sie in unserem Abschnitt "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen" nachlesen können. Bitte machen Sie sich mit diesen Richtlinien vertraut, um einen reibungslosen und transparenten Buchungsprozess zu gewährleisten.

Stornierungs- und Erstattungsrichtlinien: Verspätete Stornierungen, die innerhalb des in unseren Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen angegebenen Zeitrahmens erfolgen, berechtigen nicht zu einer Erstattung. Im Falle einer Stornierung der Tour wegen zu geringer Teilnehmerzahl oder schlechter Wetterbedingungen erstattet Uncharted Escapes 100% aller geleisteten Zahlungen.

Für ein detailliertes Verständnis unserer Geschäftsbedingungen besuchen Sie bitte: Geschäftsbedingungen


Erlebnis für alle: Unsere Reise ist für diejenigen konzipiert, die ein außergewöhnliches Abenteuer suchen, und richtet sich an unterschiedliche Zielgruppen, darunter Jugendgruppen, Einzelreisende oder Paare, Familien mit älteren Kindern und Firmenteams. Entdecken Sie eine Reise jenseits des Gewöhnlichen.

Durchdachte Zwischenstopps: Genießen Sie die Reise mit geführten Zwischenstopps, die strategisch alle 30-40 Minuten eingelegt werden, damit sich jeder wohlfühlt und ausreichend Gelegenheit hat, die Umgebung zu genießen.

Kulinarische Köstlichkeiten nach Maß: Uncharted Escapes legt Wert auf Ihre kulinarischen Vorlieben. Wenn Mahlzeiten im Preis inbegriffen sind, informieren Sie uns bitte im Voraus über Ihre vegetarischen Vorlieben oder diätetischen Einschränkungen, einschließlich Lebensmittelallergien, damit wir Ihnen geeignete, auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnittene Alternativen zubereiten können.

Reisegarantie inmitten von COVID-19: Ihre Gesundheit und Sicherheit stehen an erster Stelle. Uncharted Escapes hat sich erstklassigen Standards verschrieben und hält sich an alle von der Regierung vorgeschriebenen Maßnahmen. Wir halten uns an die Richtlinien der Weltgesundheitsorganisation und der National Public Health Organization. Wir heißen Sie verantwortungsbewusst willkommen und sorgen dafür, dass Sie sich während Ihres Urlaubs mit Familie und Freunden entspannen, genießen und träumen können.

Ihr Wohlbefinden ist uns wichtig: Wir sind uns der Bedeutung Ihres Urlaubs bewusst und setzen uns dafür ein, dass Sie sich entspannen, genießen und träumen können, wie Sie es wünschen. Zählen Sie darauf, dass wir Ihren Urlaub nicht nur angenehm, sondern auch sicher gestalten, denn wir setzen uns unermüdlich für Ihr Wohlbefinden ein.


Source: Uncharted Escapes


About the provider

Uncharted Escapes

Explore the Unexplored with Uncharted Escapes Explore uncharted lands and local cultures as you ride through nature, through the gleaming sea and imposing mount...

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Cancelation Policy

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: Uncharted Escapes accepts bookings subject to the following conditions:

1. To Secure Your Booking

To secure a booking the Company requires a completed booking form and the necessary deposit or full payment before the activity or tour starts. Clients booking by telephone, on the website, or by e-mail will be deemed to have signed the Declaration on the booking form and agreed to the following conditions:

They have read and accepted our Booking Conditions and general information pages contained in our brochure and on our website.

They appreciate, on behalf of all the people included in their booking, the risks involved in adventure activities.

They or anyone else on their booking does not suffer (or has ever suffered) from any pre-existing medical condition which may prevent them from actively participating in the tour.

The person signing, or being deemed to sign, the attached booking form (which incorporates these terms) warrants that he/she has full authority to do so on behalf of all persons whose names appear thereon, and confirms that all such persons are fully aware of and accept these conditions. A booking is accepted and becomes definite only from the date when the Company sends a confirmation email.

2. Payment of the Tours and Activities

The balance of all moneys due, including any surcharges, must be paid to Uncharted Escapes not later than a day before departure for the group participation tours, and 15 days before for all the private and corporate events. In the case of non-payment of the balance by the due date Uncharted Escapes may treat the booking as cancelled by the client. Moneys paid acting on behalf of Uncharted Escapes for tours operated by Uncharted Escapes are held for the client until the client receives written confirmation of the acceptance of a booking. Thereafter, these and any other moneys are held by Uncharted Escapes.

3. If You Cancel Your Booking

Should the client wish to cancel, cancellation charges will be imposed. These are calculated from the day written notification is received by Uncharted Escapes or their agent as a percentage of the total tour price, as shown plus any surcharges, or the non-refundable deposit, whichever is greater:

15 and more days before departure – retention of deposit

14-3 days before departure – 50%

Less than 2 days before depature – 100%

4. Travel and Cancelation Insurance

Clients are responsible for effecting sufficient personal travel insurance. Travel insurance is mandatory for all clients whilst on a tour organized by the Uncharted Escapes. Clients together with their personal property including baggage are at all times solely at their own risk. Clients are wholly responsible for arranging their own insurance and ensuring that they are in possession of private Travel Insurance with protection for the full duration of the tour in respect of at least medical expenses, injury, death, repatriation, cancellation and curtailment, with adequate benefits. Clients making their own arrangements should ensure that there are no exclusion clauses limiting protection for the type of activities included in their tour. Whether clients choose to obtain Travel Insurance through the Company, the Company’s agent or through their own independent arrangements, the clients must satisfy themselves that any such insurance is what they require and clients should arrange supplementary insurance if need be.

5. Liability Insurance

Limited insurance is held by the operator. The client acknowledges and accepts that there may be no policy covering the Company’s liability to its clients for death, injury, damage or loss occurring anywhere in the world. The client also specifically acknowledges that with respect to passenger accident liability cover this cover may be very limited or may not exist at all. The client acknowledges that the Uncharted Escapes has taken reasonable steps in safeguarding its liability. Although Uncharted Escapes does hold various insurances this booking condition states that the client must assume he/she is not covered by Uncharted Escapes insurance policy, including all liability insurance, for death, injury, damage or any other loss.

6. Tour and Activity Participation

Clients agree to accept the authority and decisions of the Company’s employees, tour leaders and agents whilst on tour with the Company. If in the opinion of such persons the health, level of fitness or conduct of a client at any time before or after departure appears likely to endanger the safe, comfortable or happy progress of a tour the client may be excluded from all or part of the tour without refund or recompense. In the case of ill health the Company may make such arrangements as it sees fit and recover the costs thereof from the client. If a client commits an illegal act the client may be excluded from the tour and the Company shall cease to have responsibility to/for them. If you are affected by a condition, medical or otherwise, that might affect you or affect other people’s enjoyment or active participation of the tour, you must advise us at the time of booking. No refund will be given for any unused services.

7. If we Change Your Tour or Activity

While Uncharted Escapes will use its best endeavors to operate all tours as advertised, reasonable changes in the itinerary may be made where deemed necessary or advisable by Uncharted Escapes. Uncharted Escapes reserves the right to change any of the facilities, services described in this brochure and/or the website before a booking is made. If a major change is known to us, the client will be told at the time of booking, otherwise Uncharted Escapes will inform the client as soon as reasonably possible if there is time before departure. The definition of a major change will depend on the individual tour and circumstances. When a major change is made the client will have the choice of accepting the change of arrangements, purchasing an alternative tour or cancelling the tour and obtaining a full refund.

8. If we Cancel Your Tour or Activity

Uncharted Escapes reserves the right to cancel a tour in any circumstances but will not cancel a tour less than 15 days before departure except for force majeure, consolidation or the client’s failure to pay the final balance. Unless the client fails to pay the final balance, Uncharted Escapes, upon cancellation, will return all monies paid, vaccinations or associated costs, or offer an alternative tour. Force majeure is war, threat of war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, fire or adverse weather conditions, technical or maintenance problems with transport, changes imposed by rescheduling or cancellation of flights by an airline, coast guard limitations or other similar events beyond the control of the Uncharted Escapes. Consolidation refers to the fact that each tour is dependent upon a minimum number of persons participating. Uncharted Escapes is not liable for any penalty charges associated with connecting air fares, in the event of a change to a tour departure time, date or cancellation.

9. Our Responsibility for Your Tour and Activity

Clients bookings are accepted on the understanding that they appreciate the possible risks inherent in adventure activities and that they undertake the tours, treks or expeditions featured in our programs at their own volition. Due to political and cultural differences, as well as generally tougher physical conditions, travel to many areas of the world involves risks other than those we take in our daily lives. Uncharted Escapes and the tour operators work with place extreme importance on the safety of clients. It is important, however, that clients realize that they are responsible for making themselves aware (through State Department advisories, Government Tourist Offices and other sources of information) of the risks involved, and are responsible for making their decisions accordingly. No refund will be made for any unused services which are included in the price. Uncharted Escapes shall not be liable for any delays, deviations or missions from any tour caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, nor for any direct or indirect consequences there to. Uncharted Escapes shall not be liable to compensate clients for associated expenses incurred as a result of their booking. Uncharted Escapes only acts as an activity based company for the owners, contractors, suppliers of transportation and local operators/agents, and/or other related travel services provided and assumes no liability or responsibility for additional expenses howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly from the actions or omissions of such independent parties, accidents, loss or damage to person or property, delays, transport failures, strikes, war, force majeure, Acts of God etc, over which it has no control. Arrangements so made by Uncharted Escapes will be subject to any special terms imposed by the supplier of these services. Uncharted Escapes accepts no liability for any action or activity undertaken by the client arranged independently of Uncharted Escapes while on tour. Uncharted Escapes accepts no liability for any circumstance arising pursuant to the agreement constituted by acceptance of these conditions by the client save:

where such circumstance derives directly from a failure by Uncharted Escapes to use due diligence in the selection of persons for whom it acts as agent.

or for negligence on the part of its employees causing death or personal injury.

or to the extent of recovery by the client under the insurance cover effected pursuant to these conditions.

Issue date: April 2019

Contact Information

If users have any questions or suggestions regarding our Terms and Conditions, please contact us at:

Uncharted Escapes

T.: +30 6983 830830

E.: [email protected]

Postal Address : 31 Georgiakakidon str. 73131

Chania, Crete, Greece

Privacy Policy

Information Collection

The Uncharted Escapes company collects information from our users at several different points on our Web site, when you fill our booking form, place an order, subscribe to our newsletter or respond to a survey.


We request information from the user on our booking form. A user must provide contact information (such as name, email, and address) and financial information (such as credit card number, expiration date). This information is used for billing purposes, to fill customer’s reservations and if any issue exists while processing a reservation to contact the user.

Information Use

Any of the information we collect from you may be used in one of the following ways:

To personalize your experience (your information helps us to better respond to your individual needs).

To improve our website (we continually strive to improve our website offerings based on the information and feedback we receive from you).

To improve customer service (your information helps us to more effectively respond to your customer service requests and support needs).

To process transactions Your information, whether public or private, will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to any other company for any reason whatsoever, without your consent, other than for the express purpose of delivering the purchased product or service requested.

To administer a contest, promotion, survey or other site feature

To send periodic emails. The email address you provide for order processing, may be used to send you information and updates pertaining to your order, in addition to receiving occasional company news, updates, related product or service information, etc.

Note: If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, we include detailed unsubscribe instructions in our newsletter email.


We store information that we collect through cookies, log files to create a profile of our users. A profile is stored information that we keep on individual users that details their viewing preferences. Consequently, collected information is tied to the users personally identifiable information to provide offers and improve the content of the site for the user. This profile is used to tailor a user’s visit to our Web site, and to direct pertinent marketing promotions to them. We do not share your profile with other third parties.


A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user’s computer tied to information about the user. We use both session ID cookies and persistent cookies. For the session ID cookie, once users close the browser, the cookie simply terminates. A persistent cookie is a small text file stored on the user’s hard drive for an extended period of time. Persistent cookies can be removed by following Internet browser help file directions. By setting a cookie on our site, users would not have to log in a password more than once, thereby saving time while on our site. If users reject the cookie, they may still use our site. Persistent cookies enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance the experience on our site.

Log Files

Like most standard Web site servers we use log files. This includes internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time stamp, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’s movement in the aggregate, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. IP addresses, etc. are not linked to personally identifiable information. We use a tracking utility called Live Stats that uses log files to analyze user movement.


If a user wishes to subscribe to our newsletter, we ask for contact information such as name and email address. Out of respect for our users privacy we provide a way to opt-out of these communications. Users who no longer wish to receive our newsletter and promotional communications may opt-out of receiving these communications by replying to unsubscribe in the subject line in the email.


We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information. This does not include trusted third parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may also release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or others rights, property, or safety. However, non-personally identifiable visitor information may be provided to other parties for marketing, advertising, or other uses.

Third party links

Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer third party products or services on our website. These third party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any feedback about these sites.

Aggregate Information (non-personally identifiable)

We share aggregated demographic information with our partners and advertisers. This is not linked to any personally identifiable information.

Third Party Intermediaries

We use a credit card processing company to bill users for goods and services. These companies do not retain, share, store or use personally identifiable information for any secondary purposes.

Business Transitions

In the event Uncharted Escapes goes through a business transition, such as a merger, being acquired by another company, or selling a portion of its assets, users’ personal information will, in most instances, be part of the assets transferred. Users will be notified via email and prominent notice on our Web site for 30 days prior to a change of ownership or control of their personal information. If as a result of the business transition, the users’ personally identifiable information will be used in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection they will be given choice consistent with our notification of changes section.


This Web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we, unchartedescapes.com are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every Web site that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this Web site.


We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you place an order or enter, submit, or access your personal information. We offer the use of a secure server. All supplied sensitive/credit information is transmitted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology and then encrypted into our Payment gateway providers database only to be accessible by those authorized with special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. After a transaction, your private information (credit cards, social security numbers, financials, etc.) will not be stored on our servers.

Notification of Changes

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement, the homepage, and other places we deem appropriate so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. We will use information in accordance with the privacy policy under which the information was collected. If, however, we are going to use users’ personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection we will notify users via email. Users will have a choice as to whether or not we use their information in this different manner. However, if users have opted out of all communication with the site, or deleted/deactivated their account, then they will not be contacted, nor will their personal information be used in this new manner. In addition, if we make any material changes in our privacy practices that do not affect user information already stored in our database, we will post a prominent notice on our Web site notifying users of the change. In some cases where we post a notice we will also email users, who have opted to receive communications from us, notifying them of the changes in our privacy practices.

Contact Information

If users have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at:

Uncharted Escapes

T.: +30 6937245450

E.: [email protected]

Postal Address : 31 Georgiakakidon str. 73131

Chania, Crete, Greece