
Da Salonicco: Gita di un giorno a Vergina-Pella


Conoscere la capitale imperiale, l'antica città dove Alessandro Magno nacque e crebbe e dove il grande filosofo e precettore Aristoteles fu invitato ad educarlo. I tesori archeologici del glorioso Regno macedone di Alessandro Magno e di suo padre Filippo II, come descritto da Erodoto, la invitano a un viaggio unico nella storia. L'escursione la porta a conoscere l'antica storia greca, bizantina e moderna, riportando alla luce il prestigio perduto di Aigai, la prima città dei Macedoni. Scopra il museo di Aigai; un sito Patrimonio dell'Umanità dell'UNESCO, a fronte della bellezza naturale della zona e della vista della pianura macedone che percorre il nostro occhio fino alla fine dell'orizzonte.

  • Museo ad Archeologico di Pella
  • Museo delle Tombe Reali di Aigai (Museo Vergina)
Source: Ammon Express


Partiamo per Pella con l'autobus di Ammon Express insieme al nostro simpatico accompagnatore-archeologo,

alle 08:00 da Piazza Aristotele & Via Egnatia (presso la statua di Venizelos).

La distanza è di circa 50 km e dura circa 45'.

Raggiungiamo Pella, che nell'antichità era un porto, dove visitiamo il nuovo, moderno museo e il sito archeologico con i mosaici unici. Nel sito archeologico possiamo ammirare l'antico mercato della città, il mosaico del 'Rapimento di Elena' e l''Amazonomachia' (la battaglia delle Amazzoni). Nel museo, sono esposti oggetti e manufatti della vita quotidiana del popolo; segni caratteristici dello stile di vita nell'antichità.

Poi, raggiungiamo Vergina dove visitiamo il Museo delle Tombe Reali di Aigai, situato ai confini del villaggio. La caratteristica Larnax d'oro (cassa funeraria), un'urna con i resti cremati di Filippo II, è contrassegnata da un sole a 16 raggi, simbolo della Macedonia. Il Sole di Vergina (o Stella di Vergina), che è il simbolo caratteristico della dinastia Argead (del re Filippo II e di Alessandro Magno) è stato trovato insieme agli scavi che hanno riportato alla luce la tomba reale di suo padre. 4 dei raggi solari rappresentano i 4 elementi classici e gli altri 12 raggi solari rappresentano i 12 Dei dell'Olimpo. Ammira la corona di quercia dorata che Filippo II aveva durante la pira funebre, le armature militari, vari corredi funerari, le altre tombe riportate alla luce e un piccolo santuario, l'Heroon.

Poi, ci godiamo la pausa pranzo in un ristorante con sapori tradizionali greci.

Partiamo per Salonicco intorno alle 15.30 e torniamo dopo un'ora (intorno alle 16.30), effettuando le stesse fermate da cui siamo partiti.

Source: Ammon Express

What's Included

  • Trasporto di andata e ritorno per Vergina e Pella
  • Assistente alle escursioni che parla inglese
  • Assicurazione di viaggio di base (durante il trasporto).
  • Assistenza nel processo di emissione dei biglietti per chi desidera evitare la coda in biglietteria
  • Il biglietto d'ingresso al Museo di Vergina (16€) e al museo e al sito archeologico di Pella (8€)
  • Tour- guida al Museo di Vergina e al sito archeologico di Pella (8€).guida al Museo di Vergina e al Museo e sito archeologico di Pella
  • Costo del pranzo al ristorante
Source: Ammon Express

Additional Information

  • Punto di partenza: Piazza Aristotele & Via Egnatia (Statua di Venizelos) 08:00
  • 8 ore (3 ore su strada)
Source: Ammon Express


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Terms of Participation

Below you can find the terms of participation of Ammon Express regarding all the daily excursions, tours and activities from the various starting locations. We suggest you to read them carefully as you have to comply with them once you complete a booking through the website of Ammon Express or via another affiliated website. Ammon Express reserves the right to change the terms of participation any time finds it necessary.



The client must create a user account on the website of Ammon Epxress and provide the necessary information during the reservation process (full name, telephone, e-mail etc.) for the final confirmation of the reservation. The client is responsible for the confidentiality of the private password and can change it any time he/she wishes. The client can deactivate the user account on the website of Ammon Epxress anytime.


Ammon Express does not provide services to minors (<18 years old) without adult supervision. Children at the age 3-12 travel with -50% discount on the price of the ticket. Infants up to 2 years old travel free of charge on an adult lap. The coaches of Ammon Express do not provide child safety seats.


The transfer of small-sized animals up to 7kg is permitted only in special dimensions baskets of 50x40x70cm, with a muzzle and only in the passenger compartment. The responsibility for their supervision throughout the duration of the trip (food, water, shadow, tranquillity) is of their owners. The owners must also comply with the pet policy and the rules of each destination.


There are certain pick up points for all the activities from each departure city:

From Thessaloniki:

Meeting Point: Aristotle’s Square & Egnatia Street (Venizelos Statue) 08:00

From Athens:

The Metro Station Halandri where the client must take the exit “Doukissis Plakentias Str. (To Vrilissia)”. The trip-attendant will be waiting at the exit at 08:30a.m and at 17:30 if the excursion at Cape Sounio – Temple of Poseidon plus Sunset.

ATTENTION: For the excursion Aegina the meeting point is at Piraeus Metro Station at 08:10a.m

*The client should be at the departure point at least 10΄ before the time indicated in the schedule.

If the client has the option to change the pick up point (e.g from Thessaloniki) must inform Ammon Express via e-mail or telephone about it in order to update the reservation records. In case that the client shows up to a different pick up point from the one that was stated in the beginning without informing Ammon Express, there is a high risk of missing the bus and the client is responsible about it.

On each trip there is a trip attendant who ensures the smooth running of the trip and the compliance with the program. The entrance in the coaches of Ammon Express is achieved with the demonstration of the electronic ticket printed or on a mobile screen or with the oral report of the reservation number. The company reserves the right to ask the traveler to show and hand other documents of identification, when the company considers it necessary for safety reasons and protection of the other passengers and the interested.

The client is not allowed to bring his/her suitcase/es or luggage to the trip unless it is requested via telephone or e-mail and receives a confirmation from Ammon Epxress. In this case, the luggage is carried under the client’s full responsibility.

Smoking, drinking and eating is not permitted inside the coach.

The client is expected to have a good behavior that respects the other passengers, driver and trip attendant. Passengers accompanying children are responsible for their good behavior. Unnecessary contentious behavior cannot be accepted.

Customers in a state of inebriation, lack of respect to the rest of the customers, the driver and the trip attendant or with a behavior that sets in risk the smooth running of the excursion or the safety of the rest, may not be allowed to enter the bus.

Clients who miss the bus and do not participate in the excursion due to delay, negligence or incorrect timing on their fault, are entitled either to transfer the activity on a future date or change it with a different one paying the price difference, if the new one has a higher rate. In case that the new trip is cheaper, the client is not entitled to a refund of the price difference. In any case all the above are valid upon availability.

The coach drivers must comply with a strict law regarding the acceptable hours of driving, the scheduled break during long distances and the total hours of driving in 24hours period. In case with intense traffic jam, roadworks or other force majeure reasons, the drop off points are subject of modification for the proper compliance of the law.


PAYMENT: The payment is realized through the website of Ammon Epxress with debit/credit card.

PRICES: The price for all the activities is per person. The price of the ticket does not include either the client’s personal expenses or the tip for the driver, trip-attendant or guide. The price is subject to change without notification.

CHANGE OF RESERVATION: The change of the excursion date is accepted if there is availability on the new date and can take place either online or by e-mail until 48 hours before the departure time of the bus. No additional charge will be applied except for the difference in price that the new trip may have. If the customer chooses a trip with a cheaper rate, he/she is not entitled to a refund of the remaining amount.

CANCELLATION: Cancellation of the reservation can be made before the start of the tour. The cost of the tour is non-refundable.

LOSS-THEFT: If a ticket is lost or stolen, the customer should call the office of Ammon Express or send an e-mail, in order to give details and get a new voucher.

If a ticket is lost or stolen just before the departure of the bus, the customer should give to the trip attendant his/her data, so that he/she can confirm the reservation and allow him/her the entrance.


Any postponement or cancellation of the trip by fault of Ammon Express is announced to customers via e-mail.

POSTPONEMENT: In case of postponement of the trip to another date, the customer is entitled to a refund or to a re-book for any other date he/she wishes, upon availability.

CANCELLATION: In case of cancellation of the trip, Ammon Express is obliged to refund the customer with the full price of the ticket.

COMPLIANCE WITH THE TRIP SCHEDULE: The departure times of the Ammon Express coach mentioned in the schedule can be changed up to one hour before or after the programmed one, due to specific circumstances. This change will be notified to customers via e-mail as soon as the decision of the new departure time is taken. In this case, the customer is not entitled to refund.

The remaining times appearing on the trip schedule are not binding. In case of delays due to external or force majeure factors (traffic jam, roadworks, compulsory road detour, bad weather conditions, etc.), Ammon Express is not responsible for the incompliance with the trip schedule.


If the customer is entitled to a refund, this is done to the customer’s bank account within 4-5 days.


The proper functioning of the coach is the responsibility of each partner agency, whose means Ammon Express uses.

Basic insurance is provided during transport.


DATA SECURITY: We would like to inform you that complying strictly with the law on the protection of personal data, we do not subject to any unnecessary treatment the personal data of our customers and partners, that become our property, but strictly comply with the privacy within the existing legislation.

USE AND PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA: The user acknowledges, agrees, consents and expressly accepts that our company has the right to use, process and transmit personal data for operational and IT service reasons. At any time, users have the right to access their personal data and information, or refuse any further processing of their data under Article 13 of Law 2472/97 on the protection of personal data.

AMMON EXPRESS GNTO License Number (Touristic Business Registry) // 0933E60000149701