
Цепелово 2 дня Частный тур на электровелосипеде


Эта экскурсия - лучший выбор для короткого путешествия в Загори, знакомства с некоторыми из самых известных и красивых мест в этом районе, такими как ущелье Викос с позиции Белой, знаменитая и известная лестница Врадеттос, Цепелово с его живописной площадью, водопад Илиохори "Балта ди Стринга", пруд Саракацани с прудами и маршрутами по уникальным пейзажам и захватывающим дух видам.

Source: Bikewise - Let's Cycle in Greece


1-й день

Наша экскурсия начинается из Цепелово. Встретьтесь и поселитесь в местном гостевом доме. Впереди Вас ждет целый день. Наш пункт назначения - деревня Илиохори, расположенная на красивом маршруте. После того, как мы проедем деревню Скамнели, пейзаж полностью изменится. По чудесному зеленому маршруту мы продолжаем двигаться около часа, до "Гифтокамбоса" и "Саракатсаники Стани", уникального музея под открытым небом с конакией, представляющей старый образ жизни пастухов-кочевников Саракатсани. Здесь мы сделаем короткую остановку для осмотра хижин кочевников. Затем мы сядем на электровелосипеды и проедем около получаса до деревни Илиохори. Здесь мы пройдем 1 км вниз по склону к деревенским водопадам, "скрытому раю", где Вы не сможете устоять перед тем, чтобы окунуться в его прохладные бирюзовые воды. После необходимых закусок и напитков мы поднимаемся наверх, чтобы снова сесть на велосипеды и отправиться на наш вкусный пикник с традиционными пирогами и другими местными деликатесами. После пикника мы отправимся обратно в Цепелово. Прибытие в Цепелово. Ужин в местной таверне. Ночь.

2-й день

Завтрак в отеле, и мы отправляемся в самую высокую деревню Загори, Врадетто. Подъем кажется сложным, но, благодаря нашим электровелосипедам, мы наслаждаемся буквально уникальным видом и любимцем многих посетителей. Мы прибываем во Врадето, где у нас есть возможность выпить кофе в деревне. Затем мы оставляем велосипеды и начинаем легкий получасовой поход к лучшей точке (площадка Белой), откуда открывается вид на уникальное ущелье Викос, самое глубокое ущелье в мире по соотношению длина-ширина-высота. Сделав необходимые фотографии и восхитившись великолепием природы, мы возвращаемся во Врадето, чтобы пообедать на деревенской площади. Затем мы прощаемся с деревней и готовимся пройтись по исторической "Лестнице Врадетоса", насчитывающей более 1200 ступеней, на строительство которой ушло около 20 лет. На протяжении всего нашего маршрута уникальная архитектура этой каменной дорожки будет впечатлять нас наряду с богатой историей, которая скрывается за ней. Мы доберемся до противоположной стороны Капесово, где снова сядем на велосипеды, чтобы проехать последние 20 минут до Цепелово, где и закончится наша короткая 2-дневная экскурсия.

Source: Bikewise - Let's Cycle in Greece


Цепелово - Саракацаники Стани - Балта ди Стринга - Капесово - Ущелье Викос - Врадето - Белой

Source: Bikewise - Let's Cycle in Greece

What's Included


  • Велосипед CUBE Touring Hybrid ONE 500 или GIANT Talon E+ 3 29
  • Шлем, бутылка для воды (ветрозащитная, водонепроницаемая, велосипедная сумка и дополнительное велосипедное снаряжение)
  • 1 ужин в местных ресторанах и тавернах в Цепелово.
  • 1 обед в деревенской таверне во Врадето
  • 1 пикник с местными продуктами
  • 1 ночлег и завтрак в двухместном номере в местном пансионе
  • Сертифицированные местные гиды по велосипедам
  • Сопровождающийавтомобиль поддержки с гидом-проводником на протяжении всего тура
  • Страховка путешественника
  • НДС

Не включено

  • Перелеты
  • Трансфер из/в аэропорты (или автовокзалы)
  • Трансфер в пункт отправления
  • Ночевки до и после тура
  • Покупка традиционных напитков и сувениров на месте
  • Дополнительное питание и напитки помимо питания, включенного в программу тура
Source: Bikewise - Let's Cycle in Greece


About the provider

Bikewise - Let's Cycle in Greece

Being one of the first companies of tours and holidays with electric bikes in all of Greece, we are proud to have implemented the first and only organized cycli...

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Cancelation Policy

1.“Bikewise” company’s participation terms in the bike tour

The bike tours organized by “Bikewise” company are suitable for people of all ages & physical condition. The distance, the elevation, the itinerary and more details are briefly described in the sections of bike tour program. The additional benefits offered in the context of bike tours (eg picnic, meal, accommodation, etc.) are determined by the organizing company and cannot be modified by the participants. Please let us know about any special dietary habits, allergies etc.

 All underage participants who are under 18 years old are able to participate under their guardians’ responsibility and need to be accompanied by them.

The only prerequisite for all the participants for their participation in the bike tour is their good mental and physical health, their will to cooperate with other participants and to follow the rules as they are being set by the organizers/ escorts. In the event that a participant does not comply with the rules of the organizers/ escorts, then the “Bikewise” company reserves the right to either stop the excursion or expel the participant who creates a problem without paying compensation fee on her part.

Any health problems on behalf of the participants should be referred, given that each one is the only responsible for his/her health, his/ her participation in every bike tour organized by “Bikewise” company.

The participant is obliged to check the bike before receiving it, if he/she checks and receives the bike it means that he/she found it in good condition and to his/her liking. Participant will return the bike and accompanying equipment to the company in the same good condition as received.

The participant is fully responsible for any accident, any damage or theft (partial or total) caused to the bike and is obliged to pay the amount due to the company for the damage to the bike regardless of its fault.

Minors or adult participants are fully responsible for the safekeeping of their personal items-equipment during the bike tour.

The participants are responsible to sign up on time and also to make their deposit on time to secure their reservation.

2. Awareness and acceptance of objective risks

Participants are aware and accept any possible risks that such bike tour/ might have and are aware of the risk of their transition through central and ring roads. Participants are advised to have undergone physical examinations relatively recently. On behalf of “Bikewise” company, the organizing company, will not be asked a medical certificate, given that all participants are participating under their own and exclusive responsibility and they declare the above. It is the sole responsibility of the participants to get to and from the starting and ending points of the bike tour and the organizer bears no responsibility whatsoever. However, in the event that a participant does not have a means of transportation to and from the starting and ending points of the bike tour, he/she may, after contacting the company “Bikewise”, request his/her transportation.

In the event that one of the participants wishes to stop and withdraw from the cycling excursion after it has started, he/she is not entitled to compensation regardless of the reason for his/her withdrawal.

3. Technical Briefing

Before the start of each bike tour, all the details are presented and safety instructions are provided that participants are required to follow and a detailed technical briefing is carried out, as well as the necessary safety equipment is provided to the participants. Attendance is the sole responsibility of the participants. The bike tour will not start unless all participants are wearing the necessary safety equipment.

4. “Bikewise” company’s responsibility

“Bikewise” company being the organizing company of bike tours is obliged to provide the most intact and safest equipment, which meets the international specifications, to secure the most intact planning for safe routes, to provide experienced and trained escorts, to inform the participants for any possible risk estimation.

The organizing company is not responsible for possible injuries or any health damage caused to the competitors or possible health problems or death owed to lack of preliminary health checks or to fall off the participant.

The organizing company disclaims any responsibility relative to:

  • the physical integrity of the participants, who are obliged to behave responsibly throughout the race.
  • possible injuries of anyone that participates in the bike tour under any role (viewer, escort, agent).
  • to any loss or destruction of material and is not responsible for possible damages of any type of equipment before, during and after the bike tour.
  • financial issues for any case and for any of the participant, or any other person under any other role.

5. Bike Tour amendment – postponement- cancellation on behalf of the organizing company

“Bikewise” company, preserves the right to amend the route, to postpone the bike tour for a short period of time or to transfer them on another date or to cancel them in cases when matters of security or for reasons of force majeure, like natural destruction, unsuitable weather conditions, strikes, other abnormalities arise.In cases of cancellation of the bike tour on behalf of the organizing company, the total sum of the participation fee that was deposited by the participant will be refunded. The last is not applicable for any other claims.

6. Insurance cover

“Bikewise” company provides all participants with simple civil liability insurance.

7. Video coverage and use of the picture or other material

“Bikewise” company, has the right to use any photograph or video irrespective of the participants that appear in this material. Before the start of the bike tour, there is made a presentation and a thorough technical briefing. In the event that you do not wish for such a thing, please inform us in writing.

8. Advanced Payment – Cancellation policy

In order to book an e-bike tour, an advance payment of 30% of the cost of the bike tour is required for each participant.

If you wish to cancel your tour, you can call us or contact us via the contact form.

Please note that in case you are cancelling the booking, the following policy applies:

  • 100% refund 30 days in advance
  • 80% refund 29-20 days in advance
  • 50% refund 19-7 days in advance
  • 0% refund less than 7 days in advance

If service is cancelled by “Bikewise” company you will be offered an alternative date/time/location.

If you don’t agree to the offered alternate date/time/location, you will receive a 100% refund.

“Bikewise” company l preserves the right to amend the route, to postpone the bike tour for a short period of time or to transfer them on another date or to cancel them in cases when matters of security or for reasons of force majeure, like natural destruction, unsuitable weather conditions, strikes, other abnormalities arise.

In cases of cancellation of the bike tour on behalf of the organizing company, the total sum of the participation fee that was deposited by the participant/cyclist/competitor will be refunded. The last is not applicable for any other claims.

9. Governing Law & Jurisdiction

These Terms will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Greece, and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in Greece for the resolution of any disputes.

10. Acceptance of above terms of participation

The participants of the bike tour declare that they accept the present terms and are obliged to follow them.